Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here I Go

Well, hello. I'm a bad blogger. I've been here in Korea for almost 9 weeks and this is my first post. Trust me, I'm kicking myself in the butt LITERALLY. (i mean "literally" in the figurative sense.) I have thought every day since I've been here "I need to start blogging. Maybe I'll just go eat some processed fish on a stick instead." Story of my life.

And so, on the eve of my 24th birthday, I begin web-logging for realz. Korea is neat. There's a lot of stuff to tell you about. I'll attempt to make up for my non-postingness.

Look out!! Here comes a whole bunch of retrospection!! It's gonna be one wild ride. Blog!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Future Business Opportunity

I decided today that if I ever open my own Thai restaurant, I'm going to name it "Thai Curious"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Liberty Bell Can Suck It

Forget about the City of Brotherly Love,

Suwon is the City of Filial Piety!!!!!

Life Changing Decisions

i am leaving for korea in a mere 16 days. !!!

today i finally started packing. this mostly involved sorting through clothes, throwing out holey socks, and obsessing over how to dress at work. will dressy pants be too dressy?! WILL I BE OVERDRESSED? but what if i don't take enough black skirts?!? i don't want the koreans to think i'm a slob!

it's a good thing that i have over two weeks to decide how many pairs of underwear to take...